⭐ Welcome to Hao Jiang's Homepage

🧑‍🎓 About Me

Hi, I'm Hao Jiang . I received my B.S. degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Nankai University (NKU), China, in 2020. After graduation, I continued to research telecommunications with NKU under the supervision of Prof. S. Han and Prof. G. Sun and received the M.Eng in 2023. I am now working toward a Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), U.K., advised by Prof. Y. Liu. My research interests include near-field communications, beamforming techniques, machine learning, and spectrum sharing.

📣 News

📚 Publications

Preprint Manuscripts

Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

🏆 Awards

💬 Talks

💼 Services

  • Regular reviewer of IEEE TCOM, TWC, JSTSP, TVT, JIOT, JCC, Globecom, ICC, and MECOM.
  • PhD Rep of CSR group@QMUL (2023-present).